مكتبة الشهيد خالد الحسن

نتائج البحث عن:

اسم الكتاب المؤلف رمز التصنيف سنة النشر
Introduction to Algorithms for Data Mining and Machine Learning 006.312/Y A N
introduction to applied mathematics in security science 510/I N T
introduction to applied mathematics in security science 510/I N T
New York : Prentice Hall Mathematics course 2 510/N E W
Numerical mathematics 519.4/H A M
Prentice Hall Mathematics : Geometry 516/P R E
Student solutions manual to accompany Math in our world 510/S O B
Student solutions guide to accompany discrete mathematics and its applications 512/R O S
Connected Mathematics2:Variables And patterns Stretching and Shrinking,Comparing and scaling 510/C O N
Engineering Analysis of Vehicular Accidents 363.12/ N O O
Connected Mathematics "2" Samples And Populations:Data And Statistics 510/C O N
Math In Our World 510/S O B
Prentice Hall:Mathematics Course 2 510/P R E
Prentice Hall : Mathematics :Course 1 510/P R E
Oklahoma Prentice Hall Mathematics Course 3 510/O K L
Oclahoma:Prentice Hall :Mathematics :Course 1 510/O K L
An Introduction to statistics 519.5 / A L M
Modren elemantary statistics 519.5 / F R E
Discrere mathematics with application 511.32 / E P P
Calculus1 515/ C A L
Applied Mathematics for business, Economices and the social sciences 510 / B U D
Mathematics for economics and business 510 / J A C
Schaum's outline of Theory and Problems of Numerical analysis 519.4 / S C H
Schaum's outline of Beginning Calculus 515.1/ M E N
Calculus1 515/ C A L
amathematical journey 510 / G U D
amathematical journey 510 / G U D
amathematical journey 510 / G U D
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