مكتبة الشهيد خالد الحسن

نتائج البحث عن:

اسم الكتاب المؤلف رمز التصنيف سنة النشر
The future of the Israeli settlements in final status negotiations : a policy paper featuring recommendations for negotiations in the final status talks between Israel and the Palestinians 325.309564/F U R
The effects of mass communication 302.23/K L A
Ground to a halt : denial of Palestinians freedom of movement in the West Bank 323.4/G R O
Political science, : an introduction 320/R O S
Voilà! : an introduction to French 448.2421/H E I
Foundations of democracy : authority, privacy, responsibility, and justice : Student text, high school level 342.73/F O U
Waiting for justice-Al-Haq: 25 years defending human rights (1979-2004) 341.48109564/W A I
Whats the point of revolution if we cant dance? 305.4896/B A R
Contemporary public administration 350/P A L
Communication : theories and applications 302.2/R E D
The Oxford School Dictionary R/423/O X F
An introduction to political communication 324.73/M C N
United Nations peacekeeping : documents and commentary 341.58/H I G
Growing up online : young people and digital technologies 025.0408342/G R O
Algorithms for image processing and computer vision 621.367028551/P A R
Educational psychology : concepts, research and challenges 370.15/E D U
Orientalism 950.072/S A I
Escape from freedom 323.44/F R O
Inherited spaces, inhabited places : World Heritage sites in India 915.404/I N H
Police officer stress awareness and management : a handbook for practitioners 363.2019/D A N
How to manage in the public sector 350/C H A
Public policy-making 320.2/A N D
Global energy markets : changes in the strategic landscape 333.9539/G L O
The days of abandonment F/F E R
Ordinary heroes & American democracy 973.099/P O M
Essentials of school education in the United Arab Emirates 370.95357/E S S
Global strategic developments : a futuristic vision 327.090512/G L O
The security governance of regional organizations 355.031/S E C
New York : Prentice Hall Mathematics course 2 510/N E W
Gunshot wounds : practical aspects of firearms, ballistics, and forensic techniques 614.1/D I M
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