مكتبة الشهيد خالد الحسن

نتائج البحث عن:

اسم الكتاب المؤلف رمز التصنيف سنة النشر
Working Papers for fundamentals accounting principles volume 2-chapters 12-25 657/W I L
Sentence Skills With Reading 808.0427/L A N
Footwear Impression Evidence:Detection,Recovery,and Examination 345.06/B O D
Interrogating Images:Audio-Visually Recorded Police Questioning of suspects 363.254/D I X
Connected Mathematics2:Variables And patterns Stretching and Shrinking,Comparing and scaling 510/C O N
Introduction to Forensic Sciences 614/I N T
The Sexual Exploitation Of Children:A Practical Guide To Assessment ,Investigation 363.4/G O L
Effective Expert Witnessing 347.06/M A T
Practical Aspect Of Interview And Interrogation 345.052/Z U L
Forensic Pathology 614.1/D I M
Introduction To Forensic Engineering 620/N O O
Engineering Analysis of Vehicular Accidents 363.12/ N O O
Advances In FingerPrint Technology 363.25/A D V
Connected Mathematics "2" Samples And Populations:Data And Statistics 510/C O N
Techniques Of Crime Scene Investigation 363.25/F I S
"IT Fundamentals and Computer Application "Vol1 004/L E Z
The Government Of China II 320.11/J I N
"IT Fundamentals and Computer Application "V2 004/L E Z
David Copperfield F/D I C
Robinson Crusoe F/D E F
Oliver Twist F/D I C
Math In Our World 510/S O B
Prentice Hall:Biology All-In-one Study Guide 574/P R E
The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict a documentary Record 1967-1990 956.94/I S R
the secret history of the american empire:Economics hit men,Jackals,and the truth about global corruptions 337.73/P E R
Al-Kindi‘s Treatise On crypt analysis 921.1/M R A
Round Table View Points:Physical Anthropology 573/A N G
Blue Ocean Strategy:How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant 658.8/K I M
Intermediate Accounting 657/K I E
Experience History: Interpreting America‘s Past 973/E X P
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