مكتبة الشهيد خالد الحسن

نتائج البحث عن:

اسم الكتاب المؤلف رمز التصنيف سنة النشر
The Guy Not Taken F/W E I
The Kite Runner F/H O S
The Taming of the Shrew 820/T H E
Embedded system design : embedded systems foundations of cyber-physical systems 621.3815/M A R
New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 006.3/N E W
Big Data Concepts Technology And Architecture 005.7/B I G
Big Data Analytics 005.7/K A M
The digital big bang : the hard stuff, the soft stuff, and the future of cybersecurity 005.8/Q U A
The Republic of Plato 321.07/C O R
Concise history of western music 780.9/H A N
An Introduction To Business Ethics 174.4/D E S
The New Media Theory Reader
100 Completely New Ideas For Managing Behaviour 371.1024/Y O U
Chemistry : An Experimental Science 2/e 540/B O D
One hundred Years of Solitude 823.5409/M A R
Habibi : anovel F/ N Y E
Arms control agreements : a handbook 341.733/G O L
The best American short stories 808.3/B E S
Spreadsheet tools for engineers using Excel 620.00285536/G O T
The science of psychology : an appreciative view 150/K I N
Study guide to accompany American cinema, American culture 791.430973/S I K
Literature : craft and voice 800/D E L
Environmental science : understanding our changing Earth 363.7/E N V
Managing the professional service firm 658/M A I
World History, : Prehistory to 1500 909.07/W O R
A2 media studies : the essential introduction for AQA 302.23/M E D
The bureaucratic experience 302.35/H U M
The Right thing to do : basic readings in moral philosophy 170/R I G
Practical public speaking 808.51/P R A
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