عرض (كتاب)
International commissions of inquiry and Palestine : Overview and impact : Study analysis
رمز التصنيف | 341.09564/T O N |
المؤلف | Alessandro Tonutti |
العنوان | International commissions of inquiry and Palestine : Overview and impact : Study analysis |
بيانات النشر | Ramallah: Al Haq, 2016 |
الطبعة | No. Ed |
الوصف المادي | 112ص |
عدد النسخ | 2 |
المواضيع | |
المستخلص | |
أسماء أخرى | |
التصنيف | العلوم الاجتماعية |
رقم التسلسل | 23198 |
ISBN | 9789950327504 |
كتب ذات علاقة
- Index of international humanitarian law
- Constraints on the waging of war
- commentary I geneva convention for the amelioration of the condition of the wounded and sick in armed forces in the field
- Foces on humanity a century of photographty : Archives of the international committee of the red cross
- Protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict : report on the Meeting of Experts (Geneva, 5-6 October 2000)
- Waiting for justice-Al-Haq: 25 years defending human rights (1979-2004)